Monday, February 5, 2007

Tae Kwon Do

Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do (the style of TKD which I study)

I've been fighting for awhile now - not with TKD, but in general (different styles including Tang Soo Do, Kenpo, a little Judo, American Boxing, and some Systema) - and I'm to that point where I want to begin testing my skill more aggressively. There's something about connecting you muscle and bones with someone else's that makes you smile (not when it's happening of course). Testing your strength, speed, agility, intelligence, and endurance against another of the same caliber or higher is exhilarating. This week I plan on sparring a national champion (it'll be a learning experience on my end, no doubt), and I'm excited to see how good I am. Though I don't plan on being able to stand toe to toe with him, I am confident in my ability to fare well.

Edit: I've thought about this more, and knowing that I have a ton to learn; it's is going to be a great opportunity to figure out where I stand and have proof (whether surprising evidence of talent or a pride-smashing display of expectation) - that's why I'm going to take my camcorder :).

What do I ultimately want to achieve through fighting? Well, personally, I would like to reach black belt rank (maybe a degree or two higher) for the discipline aspect, I would like to win some more tournaments for my instructor, and I would like to be recognized a little for my ability (not to be too prideful or focused on storing up treasures sown in flesh, but cultivating your talents is important, and being able to influence people because of what you do with what you've been given is taught explicitly through the parable of the shrewd manager). I have thought a little about starting up my own gym under my current instructor as a side hobby/job in a couple of years as well. That would be a good field for spreading the high standard of character to which Christ has called us (and discipline, hard work, positive attitude) and also for sharing His message of redemption with students who desire to get to know you.

More will be coming....
God bless,

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