Wednesday, February 7, 2007


In Bible Study tonight, we covered the topic of prayer. We spoke about what prayer is, why it's not optional, why it's not drudgery but rather a privilege for our benefit, and why not praying has consequences.

"Not" everything was about the negatives; however, as we covered a lot on the magnitude of the blessing which prayer is for us. Prayer allows us to connect with the Father, through the Son, by way of the Holy Spirit.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.
-Romans 8: 26

If we're to be men of God, it would be prudent to look at the examples set by other men of God to see how they sought the Lord and how they came to be known as men of God. David wrote the Psalms, enough said. Solomon was the wisest and richest man to ever live precisely because of his prayer. Many of the prophets' prayers saved or destroyed entire nations by the will of God. Now for the clearest example, we look to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Being fully man, fully God, He prays to the Father constantly, for hours on end. And get this, HE'S GOD.......If God has the need to be in communication with Himself for sustenance (and for setting the example for us on how to live a godly life and seek Him as He desires to be sought after), it probably would figure pretty well that we need it so much more.

There's so much more that we covered, but I'm too tired and have to much to do before I got to bed tonight - like read the Bible and pray - to type it all out. Next week we'll be covering the positive commandment to fast.

God bless,

"You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed."
- John Bunyan

Heaven is filled with a room that will surprise all of us when we see it. The room has within it large boxes neatly packaged with a lovely ribbon on top with your name on it, "Never delivered to Earth because never requested from Earth."

"Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts."
- George Buttrick, quoted in Lloyd Cory, Quote Unquote

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