Friday, January 4, 2008

Jelly belly, pin drop, neck snap, sly,
Hoodwinked, comer bun, tux and tie,
Wiley, awry, glory, God,
Wakeup, makeup, suffering, trod,
Needle-stab, inject, stimulant, high,
Excruciating, skin-break, blood-curdle, cry.
Took me to neverland, never had a chance,
Drowned me in a tidepool, undertoe of romance,
Spit me back out, now in defensive stance,
Like a wall of ice, apathetic to your rants.
Show me your bloody hands,
Held my heart in your palms, then struck through it with your lance.
If life is play, I'll be gone before the next act,
If treasure is where my hearts at, I've just had a heart attack.
Noosed by your simple nothings,
Though they felt pretty tight,
Arms so soft around my neck,
Dead before next light,
Kicked out my teeth as I smiled wide,
Hoping to catch your eye,
So I could see my own reflection, to prove the reality I felt inside.
I suppose it was an oasis though,
Sand through my fingertips,
That love was just a charade to make me slow,
So I wouldn't move out of the way of your poisonous lips.
Caught and stuck by your tongue,
That serpentine snare,
Stole my breath, collapsed my lungs,
Put out my heart's flame, left it bare.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A coin with two heads

I've seen the anger of man flare,
Leaving fields of possibilities sterile and bare.
I've seen the flame of man burst,
Excelling past the limitations held in place like a curse.
I've seen him like an animal,
Ravage their emotions, betray a partner like a cannibal.
I've seen him when he's a Savior,
Empowered by the His God to heal the pains of this world's labor.
I've seen the envy of man sear,
Burn into its victims a desire for what never becomes clear.
I've seen the envy of man drive,
Him to construct a nation that desires to protect life
I've seen the pride of man call,
All it's solemn chosen to a fiery fall.
I've seen the pride of man free,
Boasting in Christ, through the Spirit attaining liberty.

There would seem to be two sides to every story of the soul,
Don't blame emotion for passions you choose not to control.
For when each emotion is first harnessed to God's will,
He feeds your inner chamber, mining your heart's gold with His drill.

Covered in ash

Powder-bursting shells, giving 'em hell,
Tear apart the carapace of the mind's own jail-cell.
Can't speak the truth, to those around you,
Nobody understands what you've gone through,
Too many injuries to your deepsoul's ego,
Another minor setback would be like ransoming your life for a free-throw,
But what do we know?
Just another conscience giving you a taste from my two-cent bistro.
Estoy listo,
To make visible your dreamed-for daybreak,
Opening up your life to your heart's own keepsake?
Or starve your heart, another unaffectionate cheapskate?

I get so angry seeing them take advantage of the sheep,
Lull them into danger, then put them to sleep.
I get so furious when I see the weak die,
Trying to get affection, then slaughtered on the inside.
God, You must feel the same when I cheat too,
Only to get destroyed and coming crying back to You.

I hate seeing bad relationship decisions destroying lives,
I hate seeing sons and daughters behave like vinegar in the eyes
I hate seeing people buy into all the lies
Like the playa con, and I'm not talking about just the guy,
Already, many have been spiritually hypnotized.
Both parties suffer trying to get themselves satisfied.
They used to get married, then sex came later,
Then sex came first, to get married was only to cater,
Now sex just comes and goes and no relationship follows.
So many people spiritually intertwined, but so intimately hollow

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Settlers of Caanan

Ever heard of the German board game, Settlers of Catan? Well, the same company produced another, similar board game called Settlers of Caanan, based on the descendants of Abraham who inherited the Promised Land of Caanan. The object of the game is to reach 12 points first, or have the most points upon the completion of the Wall of Jerusalem. The level of gameplay is amazing. Replay value is very high, although less than the normal "Settlers" games because the board is not mixable before every game, it's an actual board with the resources and numbers set in stone for players already.

That said, I'm up on everyone else in the family right now 4 wins, 1 loss.

More poems coming soon, maybe some actual song lyrics too.

Edit...4 and 2.... :(

Monday, December 31, 2007

Judgments and Falsehoods

I know some hardened Christians. Living a life full of disappointment followed by disappointment (though my pastor today said they ought to be recognized as HISappointments), they know the Word, they hate what's false, and they get fed up with Christians-claimers who live in perpetual wickedness, those who claim Christ without actually following - or disbelieving that they actually have to be a part of the change. I know some Christians who are so fed up with being Christian because the Church isn't working...because the people in the Church with them aren't Christians...

Though spiritually there are but few...there are many who wear the outward badge of Christendom...

Do we know how strict God's standards are upon death and entrance into the bema seat judgment before eternal destinies are set?

Now that you're a Christian and have the "with God forever" status locked good do you have to be now? Now that you've got the ticket, how often can you mess up's taken back? Can God take back His gift? Can we reject a gift we've already accepted? What is to be made of Christians sinning? What happens to those sins? Do they hurt our eternal destiny? Do they matter? Do they keep us from greater rewards? Can we really be made for anything other than we are?

Masked apparition,
Dual-world collision,
Physical-spirit vision,
Eternal life decision,
If only we would listen,
He'd give us what we're missing,

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Miracles and Signs (consider it saturday still, like me)

Pillar-fire, burning through the blackness,
Glory-cloud, teach me Truth so I can practice,
Blazing-shrub, reveal to me what I should know,
That on His holy-earth where every foot lands is hallowed.

Visible-hand, writing the Word upon the wall,
Aslan's Beasts honoring how the talking-ass stalled,
Wall-O-Seas rising, permitting the humble through,
That as long as the holy-people passed, no harm would they do.

Soul-food, satisfying the people's hunger,
Demon-exorcising, protecting captives from being plundered,
Word-healing, restoring the peoples' cells
Self-sacrificing, saving people from themselves.

There once was a compass that pointed east and west.
Never did the ends meet between the God-man's breast.
So He separated sin from His people and then took His last breath.
So it seemed finished as He met with Death,
But He wasn't done yet, there was another step left,
A step back up to Glory from whence came his Royal crest.
Death was astounded at this confounding play,
Then given his own burial in the burning lake.
The God-man signified His people, stamping them with His own Spirit.
The signet ring of God, God Himself.