Friday, June 6, 2008


Today my breakers bust their moves in dress rehearsal, and tomorrow they perform in front of friends and family. Please pray for them (safety, courage, good attitudes).

God bless

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Tomorrow is the recital for my little breakdancers...Tuesday through Friday is Acton University...

Cross the wrath, turn it all back, forgive the masses, lay it all to the track,
Finished and packaged, ready to run print, but the posse you had didn't catch the hint, though they'd seen more than a glimpse, the God-man they'd receieved, die, this didn't make sense, particularly because the man the people wanted didn't exist, pride consumed their every movement against the call to repent.

Pray for you enemy, bless him, feed him, walk the extra mile with Roman heathen,
do what He did, ask a lot of questions, get them all answered as you seek God's lessons, morning devotional sessions,
meeting God in His Word revealed to us, proving the dollar true, for In God We Trust,
not the power of paper, for our creator, heaven and earth, wind and sea Maker, is not a genie lamp, we don't dictate His labor,
so savor this knowledge, and prove His love true, forgive everyone as the Father forgave you.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


As my eyes peruse the shelves for news,
Information delicately cast in jewels,
My mouth waters, hungry for refreshing clues,
To help my soul figure out this puzzle.

Only to be sent again,
To another unsatisfying dead end,
Thus, I give my knees a bend,
And check out what's on the next shelf.

But it too hold no answers,
From book to book my eyes like dancers,
Spear and thrust emptily, discouraging lancers,
And so I leave alone.

Only to recognize when I reach home,
That on my table lay the Golden Tome,
The precious gift right of the Father's throne,
And I open to read - the Spirit-breathed - Holy Bible.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


A memory of death

Drifting away, slowly, like a leaf turning circles as the wind blows coldly,
Just another case of a heart gone moldy,
It wouldn't have changed a thing even if the world had told me,
That living is just the path to death,
You can't live forever like you can't hold onto your breath.
To live an extra day would be this dead man's theft.
So I left.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

just starting

it's hot...humid, sweat running the course from my hairline down my neck's sticky hot...icky gross, take another shower hot...turn on all the fans, open the windows, stay up all night thinking and praying, can't get to sleep hot...

reality gets me going, there's no slowing, gun-toting, muzzle-loading
ready to blast off, mind-goading, so stop holding, ministerial molding
any minute, no stopping the inevitable, irrevocable, divine medical,
lysis, you're critical, so start thinking literal, put down the mineral, stand firm against the sinner, all mad and messed up, anger, let up, release your hold, man, be bold, shoulder the cold, don't let your life be sold, to die and fold, flower-wither worth more gold, all for what? to hold your head up high, just to be brought down low, the judgment's blow, decaptitates even the most delusional, fool, just a tool, to be sold to two, never self-owned, self-made is the deceiver's goal, helping gold change to coal...endless punishment, the sinner's toll, tastes horrible, God's wine-pressed wrath in-a-bowl...


Just saw "The Great Debaters"

Seemed like a good movie...but my opinion fell as I discovered the truth - or lack of it - of the movies historicity....