Saturday, February 16, 2008


Energy is on my mind, as slowly I recline,
Trying to separate the business of the day, with the way I now unwind,
Holding fast to past glory,
Reflecting on my story,
The path behind, now before me,
Eternity heading toward me.
If only the hour held more minutes,
If the day's constraints were less definite.
Then the release of tension would be more eminent,
A nap is what's really needed,
Just a, a long nap.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ready, Go

Slow down the moments,
Churn the impressions they set,
Contemplate your fierce reactions,
Then shrug them off, forget
That they hurt your soul, inflame your passion,
As the time is slowly passing,
And even now you're asking,
"Where has He given purpose?"
For there you find your service.

Emotions facilitate action

If you can keep them under His guidance...then "Flame on!"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008



You told us, suffer, die, then rise,
That's the equation to life,
Help me to persevere through the storms,
O God help....I'm starting to sink.

The thorns are rising, choking me out,
Life's horizon, only leaving more doubt...
Where's the next step? To where are You sending us?
What have you in store for tomorrow.

Sorrow overwhelms, woes seem unending...
Holiness dries up, the well of life, it's gone.

O Lord, I have nothing left,
My partners die among me,
Where is our Help?
What is this that we must undergo?
Where is the next victory?

Bring Victory soon...else we despair.

Let us not despair. We position ourselves, Lord, immerse us in Yourself, Holy Spirit.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Free bird flying, universe expanse,
Constrained to the airways of atmospheric dance,
Held to my breath, if I leave I'm done,
If I'm done I pass the limits to be with the freedman's son.

Fireballs hurled heavy and quick,
Signals wondering whether the last thrown will stick,
Ashes pile up, men carried as bricks,
Death hustles slowly to snag its pick.

Practicing the art, flowing once I've got the start,
Pulling out my hair, mimicking the tension in my heart,
Tearing my life apart, words cut deep leaving their shards,

Things are changing...He is on the move.