Friday, April 4, 2008

The Emergence of Sarcasm in the Church as "authenticity"

There is a lie floating around in the Christian subculture....and it's ironic, because this movement of Christian subculture is actually bashing Christian subculture....go figure...

The movement encapsulates books like Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz. These books are generally marketed to a Christian audience. They generally rag on Christianity as they see it....not necessarily how it really is.

I have my opinions, what are yours?

As Christians, should we criticize each other for not following Jesus radically?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Oh petitioners of our God's throne! Unite and call upon our Lord....our people are under attack. We are falling, and quickly. Ruthlessly attacked form all sides by all forms of evil...pray O people of God!

We need grace, we need discipline, we need to have our eyes opened to the truth. O God.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Blade of love, chop away the wickedness, cut deep to where the seed formed,
Set my heart to reform, to live a life, a second time born

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tested, arrested, my heart's confessed it,
I'm not longer bound to remain infested.
Digested all the junk that had my spirit congested.
Praise be to God, His name is Blessed.