Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Are personal unspoken requests prayers soaked in pride. (This is assuming most personal unspoken prayer requests deal with personal sins and shame)

Why you ask?
What else would hold you back from asking for prayer without being willing to be vulnerable...other than self-image...pride...what others might think....

What kind of Body are we if we can't trust one another?

Can we really claim to love one another if we don't allow each other the security of understanding that they are safe to share their most vulnerable parts with us...

COME ON!!!!!!!! Why are we hiding from each other? None of us is perfect, why do we seem to think we should be viewed as more righteous than others??!?!?!

OHHH MAN I'M ABOUT TO BLOW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think about Isaiah and what he says when he sees God....I am undone....he's basically saying...I'm exploded....all of us are.....our goods are junk....the wage for such pride in our junk is death

If all is known by God...and we'll be like Christ when we partake in "that Day," then when praying, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven," isn't that also a call to lives of Truth...with nothing to secrecy? A body that does not act harmoniously (uncommunicative, not trusting ) is a body that doesn't get's uncoordinated...can't needs to be needs what is commanded in James 5...."16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." The theme here is repentance and's a healing process...and it restores health...vitality...the movement of Blood throughout the Body...that cleansing flow...the life force of the Body. Jesus Christ our Lord and His atoning blood.

In all of this I'm not saying we shouldn't be uncaring about people's sensitivity...and love them, because we should want to love them and have to love then despite how vulnerable and open they are....regardless....BUT IF WE DESIRE TO BE CLOSER TO WHAT HE IS LIKE, then we have to act in accordance...thus our lives should be open for scrutiny (and they are whether we want them to be or not).....Psalm 17:3 "Thou hast proved mine heart; thou hast visited me in the night; thou hast tried me, and shalt find nothing; I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress".....


Pencils and pills, strewn across desk,
Mind in the ethereal, nervous system reaching the crest,
What's next,
Give it a greater thrill, a higher height, can't stand less,
It's all there is to live for, I need to pass my next test,
Life seems but a struggle to meet my deadlines,
But if I'm not careful I'll be lying in dead lines,
Outlined in chalk, check the red eyes,
Full of the potential, never to be realized,
Because real lies, got the better of this life,
Bright as can be crust, filling dark as night,
Rejection and dejection, loneliness and depression .
How can one stop, that's not even the best question.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

As the pain trickles down the drain,
Lying, looking slain, open exposed veins,
Wet, sloppy mane, neck, kinda craned,
Limp and lame, body, but where's the brain,
The whole room sits ashamed,
Looking upon the thing,
Who's got hope to bring,
To which,
This one obviously couldn't cling

In the still, stale air, death is lurking everywhere,
In the vibrant, electric life, be careful, it's still there

Open your eyes my friends...Be vigilant...the enemy is like a roaring lion, seeking to devour you.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Rule-breakers test my patience....test my mercy....

Who said

Does that make me a hypocrite? Or does it make me more like God?