Monday, December 31, 2007

Judgments and Falsehoods

I know some hardened Christians. Living a life full of disappointment followed by disappointment (though my pastor today said they ought to be recognized as HISappointments), they know the Word, they hate what's false, and they get fed up with Christians-claimers who live in perpetual wickedness, those who claim Christ without actually following - or disbelieving that they actually have to be a part of the change. I know some Christians who are so fed up with being Christian because the Church isn't working...because the people in the Church with them aren't Christians...

Though spiritually there are but few...there are many who wear the outward badge of Christendom...

Do we know how strict God's standards are upon death and entrance into the bema seat judgment before eternal destinies are set?

Now that you're a Christian and have the "with God forever" status locked good do you have to be now? Now that you've got the ticket, how often can you mess up's taken back? Can God take back His gift? Can we reject a gift we've already accepted? What is to be made of Christians sinning? What happens to those sins? Do they hurt our eternal destiny? Do they matter? Do they keep us from greater rewards? Can we really be made for anything other than we are?

Masked apparition,
Dual-world collision,
Physical-spirit vision,
Eternal life decision,
If only we would listen,
He'd give us what we're missing,

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