Friday, December 7, 2007

a bunch of leftovers

I will do nothing, not act at all,
O man I want to run but I'm confined to crawl.
It's so sublime to bawl,
It's like how I feel when I rhyme to yall,
If you made me choose between the two I would have to stall,
Feelings make me feel, like the earth is raw,
When I can't, upon my lip I habitually naw,
Like a lyric is the mode to your mind upon which I fictitiously draw,
Just to take theological issues and submit them to saw,
Split the atom of the issue, ignite the brawl,
Start the fire, jump the couch, set out in a sprawl,
Place your spirit and mind in the lap of the Lord no one ever saw,

rhymes of no essense

I'll bring you more than a song,
For what's a song ever done
To spread the Lord's love,
The Good News of the Son,
As the sun never sweats to set,
So my mind never minds to forget,
All those rhyme of nonsense, no essense
Other rappers bringing words but forgetting to bring lessons,
Like a teacher without a plan, all these nonsense jams,
My intro is the bell to this audio school session.

Let me first define love, for it's a trinity too,
Agape is the Lords', brotherly between me an you,
And then there is erotic, man and and wife confined,
But to be sure God is love, so this Word's divine.
Now that that's done, we can continue what He's begun,
Wondering why we speak about love when we're demonstrating none.
I love this girl, I'm in love with this guy,
Makes me sick to my heart, to the point that I cry,
TO the point that He died, so that we would survive,
Assuming that we believed and our hearts were made right.

I just was tired and bored writing some papers for Finals......I might do more later

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