Friday, August 17, 2007

King to be

At his fingertips, the Kingdom stood,
At the end of his blade, a man of no good,
Couldn't move past the conviction that his assailants could
Take the life of the King, a most grievous thing.

Touch the Lord's anointed, sudden judgment comes,
Break past the will of the King, and the thunder strums,
Edge your way to the front, letting God know what needs to be done,
Tell Him to hold back until you shine like the sun...

No, change your heart lest it break in pieces,
Hardened all alone where pride never ceases,
In the mind of the haughty men, leavened creases,
Hold onto lies before the Spirit's wind breezes.

Holy fire, flame through our hearts,
Purify our deeds, protect us in our thoughts,
Guide in our walk, Your power moving through,
Give us all that we need to do what you desire us to.

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