Saturday, June 30, 2007

You see, I'm speaking to married couples tomorrow morning during the second service hour. They average in age from early 30s to mid 60s. The average marriage length is around 16 years. Oh yeah, and we're going to be covering Ephesians, Chapter 5.....did I forget to mention that I'm centering it all around sex?

So you're thinking, "Let me get this, a 20-year old single, virgin,'re going to talk to married Christian couples about sex??? 1) Are you joking? 2) Are you insane 3) I hope you've studied hard because it won't mean anything compared to experience."

Yeah...I guess I am...the only problem I have at the moment is a lack of materials for my illustrations...won't it be great to say to the group, "Imagine I had two glasses of water; each was of a different color...," and so the illustration goes on.

You can pray for me and I'll let you know more about it later if you comment that you want to know.

God bless,

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