Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Have you ever wondered about how choices affect our futures. No...I mean how they REALLY affect our futures, specifically those intensely dangerous prayers. Those prayers so dangerous not because of the words we say but because of the truths our hearts convey with God. Not necessarily asking God to crush you into humility or allow you the privilege of becoming a suffering servant. I'm talking about the prayers of revelation, those prayers where God reveals to you what He's about to do, and though your mind might not be, your heart it aligned with His purpose. Those prayers that are less of what we consider prayer and more of acknowledgments of what God's will is, and so rather than appeal or discuss or complain, we rest... The past few weeks I've had so many of becomes frightening at some points. When I start to really read Jesus' words and when He commands us to count the cost before following, I do it...and I wasn't really prepared for what I found, but I felt at peace with it anyway. What costs are there to becoming a FULLY-devoted follower of Jesus. As we mature in Christ we begin to devote ourselves more and more to God. But when do you get to that point at which you no longer give Him more of your devotion, but rather you give Him everything you've got to give, everything you have left over and everything you hadn't given Him originally? When do you become more than just a follower? When do you BECOME a disciple? What cost is there to such a life? Could it mean every dream you've ever had? Could it mean thoughts of comfort and love? Could it mean families? Could it mean relationships? Could it almost seemingly move against loving your neighbor? Like it says in the Old Testament with regard to the Levites...They loved God more because they obeyed Him in slaughtering the women, children, men, and livestock of His enemies... Could surrendering everything even mean surrendering your current conception of His plan for your life? Is it surrendering your life? Is it your life anyway?

There is so much to say and time is running out...

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