Saturday, March 20, 2010

Safe from my enemies

Though I'm hunted daily,
I stand fast waiting,
Locked-down, without debating
Or accepting the false fear that snake's emanating.
God will eliminate him,
When the Day comes,
Because the night's passing,
This is its last run,
The final lap with the gun-clap.
Fake smile on his face
Trigger-ready but without a gun behind his back.
This chap won't be having that.
I was born for another habitat,
It's where my King is at.
And this home will be tossed as scraps,
You too, snake, for you were made for wrath.
I was made for grace,
I was saved through faith,
I am sure He will keep me safe
With all I give back until that Day
So I'll just end and say that that Day is near,
Let it be clear
All wisdom begins with remaining close to God in fear.
Not that you'll miss out on heaven,
But that you'll miss out on Him,
That you have always deserved that future grim.
That you have always been inclined toward sin.
That you have always feared more the opinions of men.
And coming soon is the Day of Reckoning.
And some will be reckoned then
For His righteousness was imputed when
By faith they confessed His Son and believed,
No longer having God as their enemy,
But now having their former slaver up in arms,
Because they embraced his Conqueror's open arms,
And so he's setting off all alarms,
Pulling no stops just to do them harm,
To make them make anything but the Lord their charm
That they'd trust in anything but God's strong right arm.
But Christ crushed that snake, and now he's weak, unarmed.
He's still deceitful, though without true power.
But, God is the strength of our hearts and knows that hour
When we'll enter His rest and He'll be our portion forever.
But until that moment, we need to be Spirit-clever,
And sever all ties with the old man's clan,
Otherwise we'll never inherit the land.

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