Sunday, February 3, 2008

I tell you the truth, open your eyes,
On the edge of the horizon the Kingdom will rise,
Life, the blood and guts, rejuvenated alive,
Wholeness achieved from the hole in God's side,
Took out the Holy Spirit, gave freely as a gift,
Mix the nature of all men who accept the time-space shift,
Put men next to the King who once stood on the edge of the pit,
Taking hopeless youths who don't want to do anything but sit
And listen, to the voice of all Stories,
The Author of Life, The King of all Glory.
How in the world could God bore me?
Oh my God I'm sorry,
Master Narrator, Master protagonist, always at the center even if appears You didn't exist.
But You do, when my eyes opened up I couldn't see anything but You.
Life itself became vibrant, I saw true evil as the tyrant,
You are our Savior at home, saving us, a group of migrants.
Love you Lord.

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