Friday, December 21, 2007

(no name)

Death hath seen no foe,
So Great as He,
So Magnificent as any foe could be,
Towers tall, and fords awide,
From His gaze no foe may hide,
Death is like to flee from a foe like He,
For none can withstand His sovereignty,
None can contain His power, his might,
Darkness existeth not in His radiant light.
Fear not you little ones, no match for Death,
For He can save you with His glorious Breath,
The Spirit He gives, none can tame,
But in His people, He will remain contained.
Death now fears the power within,
Lay down your pride and serve under Him.
Then, and only then will He lift you high,
When you realize that He is Who gave you life,
And His righteousness is just as well,
And can banish all foes of His to Hell,
A grace he gave when he created what evil's future found,
That in creating the eternal prison, He ensured its bound.

And so Death is vanquished,
Destroyed by the Son,
All that was made languish,
Hath been undone.

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