Sunday, September 16, 2007

Off-night, not on duty

Go figure that the night I'm not on "official" duty at the the night when I get called back (which isn't bad because I love hanging with my co-hall supervisors :)) to help keep the peace.

God is good, and all problems were resolved either by us or by campus security...Also, thank the Lord for campus security. Those guys are amazing...I was never really privy to their incredible tact, their desire to protect and serve, and their calmness. I salute them as they made our job a whole lot easier.

I am so thankful that not one of our students was hurt, and that no one provoked any physical fights with us. It almost seemed as if it would happen at one point...but praise the Lord, He kept us cool and placed His perfect protection around us. Bless the Lord O our souls, REJOICE!

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