Friday, June 15, 2007

A new Bible

Have I told you? I was given a new Bible for my internship....Nothing against my old/current's pretty awesome itself. For the past 7 years I've been using a parallel Bible, which has 4 translations (KJV, Amp, NASB, and NIV) side by side; two versions are on the left page, the other two on the right page. It's really nice to be able to cross-reference each translation with the get a richer understanding of what's being said. But now, I have a new Bible. This new Bible is nice. I mean, it's really nice. It's leather-bound. I've never had a leather-bound Bible before. It's got red-letter text in it. I've never had a red-letter Bible before. This Bible has annotations for practically every verse, it's got character profiles, it's got pictures, it's got diagrams, etc...the list goes on. I've never had any of that stuff in my other Bible (except for a few annotations about wording every once and awhile. The only thing this didn't come with was a cheap price....It is so nice I almost didn't want to open it; I was a bit reluctant at first. Nevertheless, I know how much people crave Bibles in other parts of the world and so I know the great duty I have (and delight!) of engrossing myself in this Bible with all of its aides. I'm so very thankful for my new Bible. God is so good in providing for us, isn't He?

Perhaps there's a spiritual analogy between my old Bible and the Old Testament and my new Bible and the New Testament, but I won't divulge any of that reasoning at this point. If you can think about it on your own and understand, awesome, but I'm kinda tired right now, I need to go fill up on some energy and know, read my Bible.

God bless,

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