Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday was incredible. It was, quite possibly, my favorite day at Hillsdale yet. Why, you might ask? Well....

1. It's Sunday and so that means Church and then brunch.
2. I went on an extended walk with Jaimi during the best part of the day on the best weathered day of the year...amazing.
3. I had little-no homework, and the reading I completed isn't due for another two days.
4. The Peace God's given me....all I can say is wow.
5. God keeps dropping insight bombs on me. I can't get enough His Word. :)

Walking on your canvas, splash my life with your colors,
In truth, in Spirit, with my sisters and brothers,
Each painted separately, all combined in One,
All in all, Father, Spirit, Son,
A touch of light here and there until it's everywhere,
Canvas inconceivable, enemies blind as they stare,
What glory shines forth from the Lord's pen!
He's crafted every angle before he ever begins.
It was finished before He started, the Beginning and the End.

Fresh flower petals curl with the color they present,
Streaks of jet run through the center, parallel; life's bent.

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