Monday, March 12, 2007

If I give it to God they say I'm weak, if I give it to them they give me their critique.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, if I do what's right it'll get done supernaturally.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, if I give it to them I'll be weak indeed.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, but those who don't dont' have room to speak.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, holding the crutch of God upon which I lean.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, if I didn't I'm not sure if I could survive another week.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, people like that don't understand real strength.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, because such strength speaks.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, against such strength their weakness can't compete.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, supernatural activity makes them grit their teeth.
If I give it to God they say I'm weak, because they don't understand reality.

Though, If I give it to God I do what's right.
If I give it to God I act wisely.

God bless,

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