Monday, August 23, 2010

Angry --> Grateful

Lies increase the anger, and anger solidifies the lies.
Who ever thought that illusions could blind?
Anger says you were wronged,
But you've been so wrong.
You've believed you deserved differently.
What planet are you on?
What did you receive that wasn't given to you?
What didn't you receive that was surely your due?
What sacrifice was made to put the payment through?
And you think you deserve and so have a right to be angry?
You think you were wronged and are owed an apology?
Just remember that you were once an enemy,
And were only justified because God acts sovereignly,
Had you remained blind, you would have remained dead.
Because he opened your eyes, you could rightly dread.
Waked to truth, you repented instead,
Understanding your predicament, deserving Hell,
Understanding thankfulness is the only attitude that suits a man well.

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