Saturday, January 17, 2009

Recently the Lord has answered a ton of my prayers.

-Short-term and Long-term plans (super in-depth and moving very fast)

---->ISI grant application, Senior Theses topics, LCCTI, John Jay Fellowship ---->Opportunity International/Koch/self-started organization?, overseas seminary ---->dedicated to church-planting?

-More gratitude
-More wisdom (from prayer and through reading several books along with Scripture)
-Greater family unity in Christ
-Empowerment to serve the Body effectively
-Retention of Scripture
-Greater heart for prayer

- I had event in December when I was praying at night, and the Spirit moved me to pray for a couple of guys I had been ministering to a couple of years ago, and then, in the morning when I awoke, there was a message on my cellular phone from their youth pastor (I live about an hour and a half from their church) asking if I could attend their winter retreat as a leader. It was an awesome Christmas gift from the Lord to be a servant to their youth and also have the opportunity myself to grow in the knowledge of the Lord.

So much more has also occurred. Our God is awesome, and that would be the fact even if none of these prayers had been answered.

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