Friday, November 30, 2007


Born to pen lyric,
Born to praise Spirit,
Singing out of my soul so that only God could hear it
I was born to enjoy creation, never fear it,

Since when has it been given to men,
To put a price on the gift that paid the cost of sin,
Put fifteen dollars in his pocket so you can listen to hymns,
Is it the same as 30 pieces so he can rock his rims?
I heard about how Paul lived through worse only wearing his skin,
Why do we have necessities now, when they didn’t seem to exist then?
It’s not how it’s always been,
Increasing demand raises our profit margin,
Take advantage of your kin, you’re just as wicked as them,
Justify it now with how your being a blessing.

Be a real blessing, live sacrificially,
Not superficially, so that you can live deliciously,
Decadent needs, you don’t need such greed,
Glutton for sin, so that Christ has more to bleed,
Like the average reed, swaying amongst the iniquity we breed,
Packaging the Gospel so that we now take the lead,
See the star on the stage, his gospel is your creed,

OH God cut us to the root, bring us back to Your seed.

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