Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Morning thoughts

Pride, the deadly beast, claws its way to my heart,
Plants its root deep, then shoots the poison dart,
I lay friends and enemies wasted, been this way from the start,
Having others lay down their lives for me, pride's vicious art
I've played my part, I've drunk the wine of wickedness,
Tasted the seeds of this viciousness,
In the beginning it had a sense of deliciousness.

O what leads us astray...

Spitting static like you couldn't understand it,
Stealing so many glances, you'd think I was a bandit,
So hard to label me you'd think that I would brand it,
Unemployed, had an interview, but I just couldn't land it,
Amazed by so much insincerity, I just can't stand it,
Give me a gaze of clarity, then I'll speak more candid

Until then, just give me a pen,
Lay down a beat for my rhyme to abide within,
Because we're not riding with them,
We're going alone,
Alone is the only home that I've ever known,
And rhyme is most the seed that I've ever sown,
The Word is the only soil in which I've ever grown,
Life as it is will soon be gone.

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