Tuesday, September 11, 2007

WOW!!! Today was busy to a new level. I mean, it was busy like SOAR's busiest day.

I got up at 8:00 and I'm still not finished (and I haven't had a break from productive activity yet-because this post is productive in a way, in that it allows my mind to relax briefly as I mentally recharge before hitting the historical facts again for another 45 min-hour).

I'm reading a ton for my Gnostics, Pagans, and Heretics course. Today's assignment was over 100 pages for tomorrow's class...and it wasn't completely horrible. I actually enjoyed some of it.

Now, to the serious stuff...I've been thinking for awhile about shaving my head and letting my hair grow really long. It would be in the act of consecration: 1) as the Nazirites did... 2) similarly, but as a symbol of a vow to the Lord.

A friend sent me an e-mail tonight about a spiritual happening with believers in which something like this happened in a boy's dream....and it peaked my spirit's interest again since I'd had the thoughts from several months back.

More to come...more to read...more to learn...more to know...more to thank God...and more to recognize that we don't know much from an eternal perspective...it's glorious

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN!

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