Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Night Before

How close would you walk to the edge of pleasure if you knew, that you wouldn't fall over and could always come back to, the promise of a life without hardship and pain, kind of like a life spent here without restraint, but not the same because pleasure can be in vice and sometimes that life seems so nice. And so, I ask once again, how much would you sin, if you knew that before He came you would assuredly be forgiven?

Harbor not, such evil plots, send them away from your thoughts, lean upon His wisdom as you ought. False tales tell of how you can be welcomed to hell, it's not about freedom to sin but how to live well. Live for your King who gave up everything to gain everything back and for us to retune, an infinite step down to cover an infinite wound.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great question to ask. It challenges us to heart authenticity and leads us to Him and surrender.
Thank you