Monday, January 29, 2007

New work

Working on some new poetry specifically for the blog.....I'll keep you (mainly myself at this point) posted.

I hope this will satisfy for now...

(If you decide to post these rhymes elsewhere, please give credit, otherwise I'll be forced to not post them again).
Thin-cutting like the razor's edge, we'd never heard words such as he said, took life to bring back the dead, since the beginning the end has always fled, tried to defile the marriage bed, but couldn't because of the purity he bled. Lead by serving, serving in how he lead, gave His body so that we could be fed. Gave His Spirit, counseling with His meds, giving us new bodies, instead of these broken sheds, recognize the One and dispose of the other heads, upon the ground He walked we tread, such ground came out of His very being, being from the one who gave a definition to what's living

1 comment:

Jaimi said...

Hey! Just came by to visit :) Didn't knock, though . . . hmmm . . . can I still come in? Wow, this is a nice place you've got here. And hey, you're not so bad at rhyming either . . . Wanna be my boyfriend?! ;)