Tuesday, January 30, 2007

English, a study in poetic mediums

Tuesday and Thursday afternoons I have The Theology of the English Poets, and after mentioning to the professor about my inclination to write Christian poetry through the medium of rap he noted that he had thought about whether or not Jesus would be a rapper if he were to have come during this present day (the context for this discussion dealt with studying John Milton and how much emphasis he placed on "decorum" which is the idea that each message should be presented in its rightful medium). I told him that I agree that there are styles that are essentially more "beautiful" than others. The problem, however, is that no one teaches these "great styles" in our day (unless you have some sort of poet/mentor or you are in a highly-selective, graduate level, creative writing program). I presented him with the following proposition: If he would teach me the "great styles" I would work to conform my (Christ's) messages to such styles.

That said.....we have Miltonian sonnets due next Tuesday :)


Jaimi said...

Your daily posting is putting my blogging habits to shame! . . . but I'm not complaining ;)

TheThinker said...

:) It might just be a phase. But as for you, keep commenting away, it makes me feel like this is worthwhile ;)