Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What's the pattern?

A steady slow thump, ribcage heave,
Subtly kindled pain, rising to the surface,
Heart beating love which my soul needs to breathe,
A shadow of my hurt holding no purpose,
Never again to focus in when out with Him is what I need,
Don the humble gear, walk straight into the furnace,
Sharing hope where life is grim, that for which Christ came to bleed,
Ask not what He will do for you, but how can you be of His service.
Casting cares upon the Comforter, though we sway like the reeds
Knit by torn ligaments given willingly though nervous,
Come take away these broken shards, remove this wicked man's deeds
Love to die daily covered in repentance as His forgiveness cures us.
O Holy God, we're unholy jars filled with greed
The holiest of holy acts, He continues to assure us,
Help us as we humble ourselves, set this dead man free.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Anger, Realization


I just read "To Tell the Truth" by Candace Watters from Boundless.org After I read the article...these were my immediate reactions:

First Reply
-He is no less of a Christian man if he believes he decides against the marriage...how would it be any better for him to feel guilt-tripped into marriage as a means of pity?

-I suppose the Christian man, in order to be godly, must lock himself into relationships and roll with the punches because if he cuts it off now....well he's no longer a good Christian man....they don't run when trouble comes a-knocking....What?! Are you kidding me? This sounds like a theology that would also say Divorce and Remarriage is okay...but it's a sin...it's not okay. Wondering how I got there? Well, if this man marries this wonderful girl...finds out she's divorced too, then what...stay in the marriage? NO! That's adultery!

Second Reply -->(This one got me a little more)
-The man, once again, in order to be the "right" Christian for marriage - mature might be the right word to infer - won't run from this situation, he'll stick it out. He'll forgive her (?), and he'll be able to look past the sin and live with the consequences.


First and Second Replies Combined

-Focusing on the character and the leadership of Christ Jesus our Lord, and the Husband to the Church....how does Jesus act?

1)Jesus forgives us by taking our sin upon Himself, suffering for our iniquity, suffering so that we might suffer no more, a Christian man will follow this example to the point at which what he's doing is according to the Lord's calling.

2)Jesus did take our STD in marriage...we committed adultery with the world...contracted the disease of sin from birth even...but He purifies us from all unrighteousness, making us pure and blameless to be presented before the Father.

God's love is radical...it pushes our limits......when we aren't loving as we ought....loving like Jesus is a product of grace and habit. His grace poured out upon us, habitually obeyed.

If you're angry...suck it up and ask God to teach you how to love the unlovable.


Dazed from the ways the bullets graze the graves,
Grace could only play, so we decided to shave her pay,
But, Oh, please do stay.
