Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Sacred Secret

Hiding the sacred seed,
Invisible to the mortal eye,
Desired to be had by all,
Dead then raised to life,
Encapsulated in a body broken,
Nectar of God, flowing from His strife,
In the ground compounded,
Nourished despite it's surroundings,
Health no longer a worry,
Earth and spiritual distinctions no longer blurry,
A view clarified by collision,
Visible, invisible, together, a divine decision,
Enter in the holy place
Not outside, but inside, the holy space,
Sacred creatures, divine containers,
Vocation for all humanity,
Enriched by God's righteous vanity,
Inside Himself, we live, inside ourselves He reigns,
Love, God-man, soon in the garden again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I felt the Spirit leading me....and I put the Spirit on hold for about a minute. When I was available for the Spirit, the Spirit was no longer there in the same presence...I am so ashamed of myself right now. NEVER EVER put the Spirit on hold, you will (and should) kick yourself hard.

Lord, I'm sorry, please forgive me. You give Yourself so generously. I asked and You gave. I was unreceptive. O most great and awesome God, I love you and am despising my behavior. Do not remove Yourself far from me. Stay close Lord. Please stay close.

Monday, February 4, 2008

For a friend

According to Pastor Rick, from Pineridge Bible Church, Kingdom participants (Christians) are to offer their heads, hearts, and hands to The King of glory (Matthew 5:1-2). He noted that you must offer all three of these to the King, for an offer consisting of only part of the whole would not work according to the King's plans.

When he mentioned this I was reminded of Solomon's calls in Proverbs to "GET" knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Knowing that the head could be considered the need for knowledge...that one ought to grow in the truth of what exists, nature, science, law, right and wrong...justice, love, beauty, etc...Knowing, however, is not enough. That knowledge must not lie stagnant in one's head, it must travel to their heart, enabling them to become passionate about serving their King (the more you know about God, the more for which you can Love God...this doesn't mean you love God more, it means that you can love God FOR more). When the knowledge penetrates the heart and leads one to contemplate their own use of knowledge, the grow in understanding...understanding what the purpose of knowledge of is...action. When one grows in understanding it is almost impossible to evade the third and final phase, growing in wisdom. Wisdom is evidenced by experience....not by living itself, but by living rightly. Making the right decisions develops wisdom.

Thus, the full process is as follows:

You learn about something, only to be affected in such a way that your mind engages your heart to become impassioned by that knowledge...that something must be done...and because you have the ability to do something about it, you engage the issue with your live in accordance to what you know to be right (according to the Word of God and the Spirit of Truth).

This is the pursuit of's the pursuit of following God in His mission to redeem all getting involved.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

America = Judas?

Jesus knew Judas was going to betray Him, and yet he allowed Judas to be a part of the inner-circle. What was Judas's responsibility for the group?

Judas held the moneybag.

America has got the moneybag...are we being faithful? Are we trusted with little (material possessions) so that we can prove our devotion and love for Christ and His people, and then be entrusted with much (spiritual possessions).

Or are we just sell-outs.
I tell you the truth, open your eyes,
On the edge of the horizon the Kingdom will rise,
Life, the blood and guts, rejuvenated alive,
Wholeness achieved from the hole in God's side,
Took out the Holy Spirit, gave freely as a gift,
Mix the nature of all men who accept the time-space shift,
Put men next to the King who once stood on the edge of the pit,
Taking hopeless youths who don't want to do anything but sit
And listen, to the voice of all Stories,
The Author of Life, The King of all Glory.
How in the world could God bore me?
Oh my God I'm sorry,
Master Narrator, Master protagonist, always at the center even if appears You didn't exist.
But You do, when my eyes opened up I couldn't see anything but You.
Life itself became vibrant, I saw true evil as the tyrant,
You are our Savior at home, saving us, a group of migrants.
Love you Lord.