Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The funeral

Tears slide down the cheek of the eldest son.
Hundred plus years had been given his mom.
Still he cried aloud because he wanted another one.
But God declared to dust what was dust before,
As the Kingdom of God is given to the meek and poor.
Unlike his mother, he doesn't enshrine the Lord.
He's a temple to the world, and he's desperate for comfort,
And so we pray that the LORD will open the eyes of the people.
We pray they understand the event we all witness.
As the enemy of man took another body through the sickness.
But that's all it can take,
There's hope yet for today.
God came for the sick, and by grace through faith He saves.


There wasn't but Him (and that's All).
Immediately the earth emerged, heavens surrounded every spherical curve,
Spiritual and physical existing so close it hurt.
At the beginning He had already decided to serve,
Needing nothing Himself,
Fully satisfied in the riches of His glorious wealth.
Shining so bright he had to shroud His very presence,
Less all of His creation dissolve back to its essence.
He gave the sun, moon, and stars to light and mark the times,
To break the darkness in the morning and serve the One Who finds.
Pulsing with His life which was freely given to all,
Creation cries to magnify the LORD of the blue ball.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Friends, I am in an MBA program this fall. Thus, though it may seem contrary to understanding, I will have more time to post. I am also going to try and recover my knowledge and skill at speaking the Spanish language and perhaps learn some French in the process also. I look forward to spending more time writing to you. Keep in touch.

God bless