Saturday, August 2, 2008

Back Home Again

Decompressing, like I'm coming up for air,
Underneath the surface, and I'm gasping in prayer,
Seeking Him the Holy, laying my soul bare,
Removing all my rags, leaving myself in His care,
Even with all I gave, there was so much more to share,
Another lesson on which to think, word on which to stare,

Trying to reason through, actions I would undo,
Or logically address, I confess I need a breakthrough,
O my God just to taste You, Drink down the sweetest scarlet brew,
An elixir of life to all who take you,
This life is just the prelude, until He comes again we'll more than make do,
What joys are to come is like the universe beyond my lakeview.

"Just because I don't talk, doesn't mean that I hate you."

I'm back from the Upper Penninsula, and I need some sleep. I went out and bought a new book today. Brother Yun's teachings are out (His biography was amazing, and I'm expecting great things from this book).

Also, while I was away I receieved an incredible number of e-mails and snail-mail. In my snail-mail I found 3 letters from very close friends along with materials from the Acton Institute which I requested while at the Acton University (as a pilot tester of the Stewardship Small Group Program). I've got the second less on stewarding the environment well, and I'm going to order the rest of the series through mail tomorrow.

I finished reading the New Testament out loud today, and so tomorrow I'm going to the local Christian bookstore to purchase an Inductive Study Bible with the Updated NASB translation (with a 25% discount) with which I will begin outlining the Old Testament (OT class in the fall with the same professor I had NT with last Spring).

I'm memorizing Psalms and other passages right now. I might join in with the group memorzing the Sermon on the Mount, I haven't decided as of yet because of my desire to focus my memorzing time elsewhere. We shall soon find out. I'm intending to keep my memorzing in the NIV translation because of the translation's proliferation and somewhat common language.

That's enough post for now.

God bless,