Saturday, February 27, 2010

Less than a month

Hey all,

Well my Saturday class is finished. Now, I'm at work on everything that I couldn't quite complete while that was going on...including work for other classes. I have one mid-term and two papers due this week, along with an application or two. I'm on track to be finished with all but the midterm by the end of the weekend (though I will have studied for it).

I've started listening to an audio series on Bibliology (study of the it came to be, inspiration and authority, etc...). It's great.

I've also been listening to Crazy Love by Francis Chan (received free from Christian audio last year). There are some really good, challenging parts to it that force thinking biblically.

I'm reading a business-mindset book for a course in entrepreneurship (one of my papers pertains to the book's subject), and I have a slew of others on the docket. With my Spring Break coming up the week following this coming week, I believe I will attempt to finish three of them.

In regards to Scripture, I'm reading through Proverbs and memorizing Psalm 119.

I'll write more soon.

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