Thursday, April 16, 2009


Blessed be the poor in spirit, that's what He said,
If you listen close you just might hear it ahead,
Walk forth in the way that he led,
Seek the fount that He bled,
And you'll receives the riches of His glory instead.

Bless-ed... be those who mourn, faces forlorn,
Darkness like a curtain call, but the curtain was torn,
Light broke through to native and foreign,
Upon belief, redemption and the Spirit were sworn,
So with the armor of the Comforter we could adorn. the meek, though their future looks bleak,
From the beginning they were created to seek, humbly,
To serve, demonstrate the King's style, While the world would observe.
But they'll receive the earth as His plan 's fulfilled
They'll gain from the glory for which the Lamb was killed. those...who seek the pure white clothes,
Righteousness over feasting, thirsting more than the desert sand shows,
Read to devour whatever the Word of Truth sows,
Beating his body with blows,
Satisfied with food and drink of which God only knows.

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