Sunday, December 16, 2007

Crazy is

People will do anything to get noticed. They'll make funny signs and stand on the sidewalk. They'll run by camera crews when news stories are being shot. They'll write books...blogs. People will do anything to get noticed...because they feel invisible.

Why do people feel like their lives go unnoticed?

We live in country, a culture where everything...all information is fed to us through papers, televisions, radios, and the internet. It used to be that everything important was broadcast, was published...but as the "free market" gained steam...well...everything became important to someone, someone with enough money to say that it was important to them, and therefore it ought to be important for everyone.

So people started broadcasting what sold...and a lot sold....a lot still sells...

In fact, so much sells that it seems as if it almost causes more to sell. We call this competition...

Don't worry, this isn't bad economics, this isn't the idea that supply creates demand.........

It's the idea, that profit is available and so suppliers jump into the market. But this is different in that the profit in this case isn't's the intangible fulfillment one seeks their entire life.

Thus, someone sees someone else getting recognized...feeling important, worthwhile, like they matter....purposeful. And they want that too. Then they try to get "noticed," because they feel like they're missing out.

Back to the question...Why do people feel like their lives go unnoticed? Because they notice other people's lives...and they aren't their own.

Is this an unsolvable problem?

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