Friday, September 14, 2007


"There's a lot of activity going on...what's happening?"

"I'm not sure...just keep watching...wait for something..."

"What are we waiting for? Will I see something?"

"Maybe...who knows, it might just be a noise...maybe nothing."

"What do you mean, 'maybe nothing?' I thought I would get to see something wonderful."

"What do I mean? What do you wouldn't know anything about this if I hadn't told you. Why don't you, therefore, relax and enjoy the anticipation...the energy of the moment?"

"I can't stand's getting to me. I'm not sure if this is what I want...I'm not sure that I want to just wait around."

"Look, quite focusing on the time issue of having to wait. Patience is easy if you can focus on something else while you're waiting."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it like this, when I was young, on Christmas Eve my family would travel to my relatives' and we would have dinner together and read the Biblical account of Jesus' birth and then open presents to each other. But, as long as I was eating dinner, I wasn't as anxious to open presents."

"How does this relate to me though?"

"The idea is that if you focus on something related by talking about it and engaging in it mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually, you will be able to be patient for the initial focus indirectly. Like right now, we're talking about waiting, but the waiting we had been focused on just moments ago seems less powerful upon us, doesn't it?"

"Yeah...I guess's not gone though."

" won't leave you, because you are still tied to that focus in some way."

"I think I'm beginning to understand it a little better, mayb----Hey look at that!

"I see! I see!"

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