Thursday, September 27, 2007

Picture - Fasting (part 1)

Fasting is a's a's a lens through which we can see the spiritual situation at hand...what do I mean by this?

Fasting entails abstinence of some sort...a the Biblical sense it is often spoken of in conjunction with abstaining from food or drink and even sleep (in the case of Paul). Though, what's the purpose of fasting? Why would one abstain from things like food, drink, and/or sleep? First, this abstinence is usually for only a distinctly established period of time. From the Bible we see such lengths of times ranging from one day to forty days. The purpose for this fasting is generally for to what King David refers to as "humbling oneself."

Therefore, fasting is a way in which we can humble ourselves. But why ought we do that? John the Baptist said about Christ, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Jesus said, "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted." Thus it seems as though humbling has something to do with following Christ in changing into or being a certain way that we might follow Christ into exaltation...

What is the picture behind all of this though...the deeper spiritual picture that the physical act displays...?

Water and Drink
When the body does not receive liquids it becomes hard for it to move. An intense thirst builds within because water is so vital to the body's processes. Liquids keep the body well-lubricated that it can operate smoothly. Liquids operate the transfer of nutrients in cells, making sure that ingested items are digested and then quickly dispersed throughout the body to enable operative processes which keep you thinking, seeing, walking, listening, tasting, alive...etc... The body, therefore, has an immense craving for liquids, and the thirst with which the body reacts is in proportion to its actual need. THIS PHYSICAL DISPLAY IS SIMULTANEOUSLY A SPIRITUAL TRUTH DEMONSTRATING OUR NEED FOR LIVING WATER. When the living water which refreshes our spirit is not consistently poured into us...we thirst...and if we don't satisfy that thirst...we become spiritually dehydrated...and when that occurs, we become immobile in the faith and ineffective as Christians because our spiritual body is incapable of operating the way God intended. Our hearts are well-springs of life...they are gardens...and they need watering (to reveal another picture which we may tackle later)....without watering the plants wilt and die and are unappealing, and they are like chaff before the wind...Drink deeply in the Spirit of Truth...drink deeply the blood which is poured out for you...

-Next "Food"

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