Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Only in the "arid" dry times of the spiritual walk do we recognize our own dependence on our own wills.
Perhaps the reason the dryness is so dry is that we're searching for comfort from ourselves...
What if the reason the dry times are so hard is a result of our desire for comfort...
By that I mean, when our desires aren't met...it feels as if we can't breathe...
When we are relying upon our own desires...are we really trying to emphasize God's will rather than our own?
Are we so out of tune with God, that when He tries to build us up and grow us...we feel like He isn't even around...it's as if the air gets thicker and harder to swallow...
What is breath but life itself..the life of God
When we feel dry and out of tune with God...is it because we have forgotten how to breathe?
Is it too hard to swallow the Truth?

Do people suffocate from life because they can't connect with God?
Is it because God hasn't made Himself available? Or rather is it because they choose not to accept the only way to live...by breathing Him in?

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